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Walk in the Park

Real Money for
We The People

Personal coaching and programs designed to reduce anxiety, build knowledge and confidence, and protect and preserve savings and wealth for yourself and loved-ones through physical precious metals


Are you feeling
anxious about...

  • The negative effects of U.S. tariffs on prices and purchasing power?

  • Persistent inflation and loss of purchasing power?

  • Distrust of the financial system, including banks?

  • Growing trend of lack of financial privacy?

  • Protecting and preserving savings, even retirement funds?

  • Political and economic changes and instability?

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What if you could finally...

  • Keep up and even beat inflation?

  • Be assured that your savings and wealth are protected and there for you?

  • Have more privacy and be a little more "out of the system"?

  • Feel more in control armed with answers, knowledge and more confidence?

  • Sleep better with more peace of mind?

  • Build real generational wealth for your loved ones?

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"Why & How To Own Your First
Ounce(s) Of Precious Metals"

Ebook sent! Check your email!

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(60 mins - $175)

Gold is at all-time records highs (and becoming less affordable) as is global government debt. Inflation is eroding our purchasing power in the dollar while gold, silver and platinum are proven stores of wealth. Silver is still affordable though its price has increased significantly this year. Wars are still raging, the economy is struggling and overall mistrust of government has never been higher. With all of this going on how can you protect your financial independence, privacy and freedom?

"If you don't hold it, you don't own it."

This 60 minute, private coaching session is designed so you can get real answers to your burning questions such as:

  • Where and how to buy physical gold and silver safely and with confidence?

  • What's available and what may be right for you? 

  • Do you buy gold, silver or both?

  • Is it still a good time to buy?

  • How to store safely?

  • How to hold precious metals inside a RRSP?

Ideal for beginners or those who've been "stacking" for awhile

More and more people are suffering from the effects of inflation, a growing trend of lack of financial privacy, massive government debt and economic instability, and the ability to protect and preserve purchasing power and wealth outside of the system. Build and protect your wealth in ounces with physical gold and silver. ​​​

$175 (60 mins)
cash ~ email transfer ~ credit cards

All sessions are private and available either virtually or in-person for those in Greater Ottawa, Canada.

The information and opinions shared are intended to best answer your specific questions and needs. I do not sell or am affiliated with any precious metals dealers.

Why not start with a free, no obligation, private 15-minute call to whether a Precious Metals Coaching session is right for you.  
This is recommended as a first step on your journey.

Start with a free "Discovery" call

Requested time
exploratory chat
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  • Have questions but can't seem to find any real answers.

  • Distrust the financial system, including banks, and want to protect and preserve their savings and wealth.

  • See their purchasing power being eroded due to inflation.

  • Have anxiety over their savings and/or investments, including RRSP/RRIF, and are looking to add peace of mind to help them sleep.

  • Understand the value of holding physical precious metals but need answers and prefer someone by their side to help get started.

$175 (60 mins)

Protect your purchasing power

Build financial privacy

Enjoy more
peace of mind


Frequently asked questions

You have questions. I have answers.

  • Can I insert an image, video, or gif in my FAQ?
    Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Enter the app’s Settings 2. Click on the “Manage FAQs” button 3. Select the question you would like to add media to 4. When editing your answer click on the camera, video, or GIF icon 5. Add media from your library.
  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
  • How do I edit or remove the “FAQ” title?
    You can edit the title from the Settings tab in the app. If you don’t want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
  • What topics are covered during coaching sessions?
    We can discuss a wide range of topics, including why to invest in precious metals, which metals to choose, where to buy them, how to store them, and any other questions you may have. This is your opportunity to get answers to your answers to help you decide whether trading in some fiat dollars for physical precious metals may be right for.
  • Can my spouse/partner participate with me?
    I insist! Many participate together with their spouse/partner which is fabulous. Deciding to protect and preserve wealth and savings; and, build more financial privacy and freedom, should be a team effort in my opinion. When you're both on board, rowing in the same direction, this can make your precious metals journey more fun and increase the likelihood of reaching your goals with a lot less stress.
  • How long is a coaching session?
    A typical coaching session lasts one hour and is designed to give you answers to your burning questions, and information and my opinions. The cost is only $175 CAD payable afterwards in a variety of ways such as credit card and email transfer. The initial 15-minute "Discovery Call" is complimentary. Most clients prefer the comfort and privacy of participating from their own home via Zoom. If you live in or around Ottawa, Canada and wish an in-person session, this can be arranged. Many people feel that one session is not enough, rather it's just the start. As they receive answers and start to feel more confident they get closer to being ready to acquire their first ounces. Save by purchasing a 3-pack which includes three 1-hour coaching session for only $445 - a savings of 15%. You receive a a detailed precious metals plan specific to your needs and me by your side to help you acquire your first ounces of physical precious metals.
  • Why don't you sell precious metals?
    I do not sell any physical precious metals nor am affiliated with any dealers. I want to make sure that you are comfortable in knowing that my information and opinions are totally unbiased. You are free to to purchase your metals from wherever you like, be it your local coin shop or online dealer. Should you need help in going so and/or a list of reputable Canadian dealers, I will share it with you.
  • Why aren't you a licensed financial advisor?
    In my experience over many years, I have found that the investment industry, and many of its "professionals", were not taught about/or lacked sufficient knowledge and expertise to properly inform me about the value of owning physical precious metals and how they may fit into my overall portfolio. Why is that? Well, there are many theories but I believe in many cases it's because the investment counselling industry cannot make enough ongoing money from clients in holding and selling physical gold and silver. There isn't enough profit it in for them in making a few dollars on each 1oz gold coin transaction. Plus, regulations stipulate in some cases that an investment advisor can only advise on products which they sell. If they don't offer physical gold and silver, they can't sell it to you. Like me, you've likely experienced something similar when you've visited your financial advisor. They were quick to try and get you into their own products and you left feeling that you were being sold to - like visiting a used car dealership. When I seek financial advice, I require that the individual fully understands my goals, has an appreciation for my style and levels of risk, and is able to and open to suggesting any and all products which would be best for me - not some or only those which they sell. After decades of experience from my own DIY investing, and thousands of hours of research on physical precious metals, I have a deep appreciation and understanding of the value of owning precious metals including what's available, what are reasonable prices, the differences in owning gold vs silver and coins vs bars, how to buy them safely from trusted dealers, and more. Now, you can benefit from my knowledge and experience to help you on you precious metals journey. I don't offer advice but do share information and my opinions so you can get specific answers to your questions. As always, you're encouraged to seek financial advice from a licensed professional before making any financial decisions.
  • What is a precious metals coaching session?
    All sessions are a personalized conversation where I answer your specific questions and share my opinions to help you decide whether acquiring physical precious metals may be right for you, or help you further if you've already begun your journey. During sessions, you are completely free to share whatever information you wish. Personal or detailed financial information is not asked or necessary for your coaching. Any information you wish to share is completely up to you and obviously the more details you share the more likely that you'll receive more precise answers. After your session, rest assured that whatever we discuss is kept confidential and is never shared with anyone - ever.
  • How can I get started with coaching sessions?
    The best way is to schedule a "Discovery Call". It is a free, no obligation, 15 minute conversation over Zoom to determine whether my coaching would be right for you and if we'd be a good fit.
  • Are there any free resources available before I commit to a coaching session?
    Yes, your best best is to start with a free, 15-minute "Discovery Call". There is absolutely no obligation and this is an opportunity for us to discuss your needs, including why you wish to acquire precious metals, and see how my services can help. Plus, you are invited to download my free free e-book that covers the basics of getting started with precious metals. "How to Get Started With Your First Ounce of Precious Metals" can provide a helpful foundation before your session.
  • Who can benefit from precious metals coaching?
    My precious metals coaching service is ideal for anyone interested in exploring physical precious metals as part of their financial strategy. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, I can answer your questions and share my thoughts to help you make informed decisions. Most clients get started with coaching as they are afraid of losing their savings in dollar assets, wanting to protect their purchasing power against inflation, or just want to be more "out of the system" as they have a growing distrust of the financial system and are losing sleep. They see the benefit of owning physical precious metals but are unsure about how to get started such as what to buy, where to buy safely and from a trusted dealer, how to store securely, etc. These days, many people struggle with finding the right information for themselves and sifting through tons of material on the Internet can be daunting, time consuming and frustrating. Often we you turn to "professionals" in the investment industry, they don't or can't answer your questions about precious metals as they don't sell them in the first place, or don't bother as they can't make enough money from you from fees unlike stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds where you pay commissions, management fees, annual fees. Sure, you could spend hundred of hours searching for the right YouTube channels that resonate with you and/or read thousands of pages of literature hoping to get the right answers to your specific questions. In many cases, I've already done a lot of this leg work for myself and now you can benefit in just a fraction of the time and with a lot less headaches. Some folks thinks that owning gold and/or silver is only for a certain segment of society. Sadly, that's what we've been taught which we need to unlearn. In fact, gold and especially silver have been real money used by humans for thousands of years. They've been used for trade, commerce and barter. In my opinion, everyone is a little better off owning some gold and silver, but that's just me.
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Grow your wealth in ounces

Get in touch.

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David LeBlanc


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  • X/Twitter

Secure, encrypted email

If you have questions about any of these services or wish more information, get in touch with me.

I'd love to hear from you


Your journey begins here.

Trading in fiat dollars for real money - physical gold and silver - can be a stressful, anxiety-filled process for many people. Yet, it doesn't have to be.


We weren't taught about precious metals in school. The investment industry often doesn't suggest them (as they can't make money from you on a regular basis). The whole concept seems confusing such as what to buy, how to buy it safely from a reputable source, how much to buy, and so on.

Whether you are considering adding gold and silver for the first time, or have already started and need some guidance, I am here to answer your specific questions to help reduce your anxiety and confusion to get you to where want to go.

Don't let distrust of the banks, persistent inflation, lack of financial privacy, political and economic instability prevent you from having real wealth stored in ounces.

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Precious metals literacy
Being informed is your greatest wealth

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