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Image by Matt Botsford


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Indoor hydroponic gardening has been one of the hottest topics over the past few years and I'm pleased to share my talk with Chris Di Grazia, Head of Marketing & Growth, at In this conversation, we get into the special story and vision of JustVertical which is doing some incredible, community-focused efforts to bring the gift of affordable, fresh, pesticide-free foods to more people - whether north/south, dry/wet, sun/cloud - wherever!

Feb. 22, 2024 | 40 mins.

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You're invited to watch my most recent conversation with Ms. Margarita Weaver, RN, who is the Founder, Holistic Registered Nurse, Holistic Health Coach of Based in southwestern Ontario, Margaret ditched the public health scene a few years ago and opened her own holistic healing practice. She shares her journey, philosophy, expertise and tips on how taking care of yourself using various techniques such as Reiki, energy, breath, etc. can be beneficial in treating the whole self. Also, we spend some time talking specifically about seniors and what she is doing to make their lives better.

Jan. 17, 2024 | 40 mins.

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Based in Alberta, Brianne ditched the hospital scene in 2019 and opened her own holistic healing four and growing! She shares her journey, philosophy, expertise and tips on how traditional western medicine and holistic healing can work in harmony which is the mantra of her growing healthcare service. Her team of professionals help clients with a wide variety of issues such as auto-immunue, detoxification, palliative, mental health, the effects of C-19 injections, plus many more. 

Jan. 3, 2023 | 30 mins.

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Through his chiropractic practice,, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Tony shares his approach on how using neuro-structural chiropractic techniques, such as breathing and meditation, can positively stimulate ("turn on") and calm ("turn down") both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems so his patients can move towards self-sufficiency with their health.

Dec. 3, 2023 | 46 mins.

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Briya has expertise in modern spirituality and self-healing and outlines how this ancient practice is based on the needs of the individual. Ayurveda is a science and tries to incorporate the soul of the individual in treating issues whether they are experiencing headaches, relationships, work, etc.). Like me, you've likely heard of Ayurveda may have never took the time to really understand it and/or how to use it.

Sept. 2, 2023 | 26 mins.

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Much thanks, ❤️ and appreciation to Tauney Stinson who, in conversation with me, shares her expertise and tips to boost our knowledge and confidence to easily get started with foraging. Tauney, also known as Forager Bee, lives in Renfrew, Ontario, and teaches the Wild Edibles course as part of the Outdoor Adventure Naturalist Program at Algonquin College (Pembroke Campus), as well as offers private and group foraging workshops and field trips.

Aug. 5, 2023 | 25 mins.

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So many parents and families are becoming disillusioned with the educational systems and more alternative options are arising such as home-schooling and learning pods. Darryl and Milena Weinberg of Niagara, Ontario, and founders of School Pods Canada, discuss their system of supporting and developing kids using learning pods. We discuss their philosophy and values behind School Pods Canada, how pods function, the design of the curriculum based on the needs of the child(ren), how parents can and need to be involved the education of their kids, and much more! School Pods Canada is supporting today's kids to be our future leaders.

July 20, 2023 | 59 mins.

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Beth decided to re-gain control over her health and ended up re-storing and re-energizing her self-esteem and self-respect in the process. She is now a certified self-sabotage coach and provides re-programming solutions to break free from the negative cycles that are holding you back.


"You can re-program your brain for a healthier, happier life."

July 17, 2023 | 1 hr. 8 mins.

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Much thanks ❤️ and appreciation 🙏 to Mario DiFranco, President, who shares his knowledge, expertise and many useful tips on how we can add much needed electrons back into our bodies using both natural means and safe and effective earthing products. Mario explains that the greatest health problem today is inflammation and is caused by oxidation and free radical damage. By re-introducing beneficial electrons back into our bodies, we can reduce the inflammation and thus disease.

May 26, 2023 | 58 mins.

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Much thanks ❤️ and appreciation 🙏 to Mario DiFranco, President, Purahome, who shares his knowledge, expertise and many tips on how we can reduce the harmful impacts of the "bad" aspects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) ⚡️. Mario explains that not all EMFs are harmful, in fact some such as white light have health benefits while others however, such as UV and gamma, can cause cellular damage and result in headaches, lethargy and sometimes severe illness and disease.

May 26, 2023 | 49 mins.

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Much thanks ❤️ and appreciation 🙏 to Mario DiFranco, President, Purahome, who shares his knowledge, expertise and many tips on how we can reduce the harmful impacts of the "bad" aspects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) ⚡️. Mario explains that not all EMFs are harmful, in fact some such as white light have health benefits while others however, such as UV and gamma, can cause cellular damage and result in headaches, lethargy and sometimes severe illness and disease. "There are now over 300 known toxins in municipal water systems in North America."

April 28, 2023 | 1 hr. 5 mins.

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Much thanks and appreciation 🙏 to Mario di Franco, President, Purahome, who hares his knowledge, expertise and tips on the importance of air quality and some of things we can do to improve it. The philosophy of Purahome, a 🇨🇦 company, and the brands and products it tests and offers is to strengthen immunity and reduce inflammation. "It's not am I toxic rather how toxic am I?". It's more than making sure our indoor air is free of dust, pet hair, VOCs, off-gassing, smoke, etc. but rather also protecting ourselves from growing levels of industrial pollution and the many cancer-causing agents and hormone disrupters (e.g. benzene) in the outdoor air which we are subject to indoors, and their serious potential health impacts. It's almost at the point now where in North America where an air purifier is not a nice to have rather a necessity.

April 15, 2023 | 57 mins.

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