The big purpose 💪 of the Self-Sufficient YOU! community is to help build increased independence, choice and personal fulfillment for all members in a safe and supportive place among like-minded people. This is done by members asking their burning questions on topics important them to them and sharing their stories, experiences and tips for the benefit of others. A key slice is building and maintaining financial privacy, choice, protection, and wealth preservation.
Financial independence = ⏬ reduced risk and reliance/dependence on others (i.e. governments) and ⏫ greater privacy, security, preservation, control and peace of mind.
Having or talking about money can be sometimes be considered as being greedy, shallow or vain. I would argue that developing a sound understanding along with good practices and habits can be empowering and lead to ensuring sufficient funds are available in order to pursue many of the self-sufficient goals, activities and projects on our "to-do" list. For example, many of us dream of building a greenhouse or expanding gardens to grow more organic food, purchasing a high-quality water 💧 and air 💨 filter, acquiring supplies for DIY products (e.g. toxic-free home cleaners, mason jars for canning, ingredients for laundry soap, etc.), buying solar ☀️ panels for an off-grid home, trading in fiat currency 💵 for precious metals etc. Having the financial means also enables us to support loved-ones be it with our time, goods or straight out 💰. Also, having financial independence can mean that we are less reliant on external events (political, economic, social) which can offer us more choice, privacy, and peace of mind.
👉 NEW! I have developed a Financial Independence "Score" to help determine where you stand in various aspects such as privacy, income risk, inflation/wealth protection, and more. By knowing your "score", you could begin to make more meaningful changes in the right direction and maybe even develop a better relationship with money.
🔴 "LOW" = The good news is that there are several actions you could begin to implement right away to help move up the scale.
🟡 "MEDIUM" = There are likely actions you can take to make sure you don't slip down to "low", and to reach up to "high".
🟢 "HIGH" = You are doing great though still likely more actions to consider to ensure that you don't slip downwards towards "Medium" or to optimize your financial independence further.
What's your financial independence"score"? Low - Medium - High?
This free 15-minute virtual call with me includes a brief questionnaire upon which you will receive your "score" based on my assessment. This is a private and confidential discussion held over Zoom.
Building your own financial independence and developing a better relationship with money can reduce your anxiety and stress and boost your peace of mind by not worrying as much and giving you more control and power over your life - most of us at least at some point in our lives have been there where we struggled and worried - and it's not fun. Say no more to this and re-gain control and confidence to put yourself and/or family on a better path.
Disclaimer: This information shared is not to be considered as financial advice. I am not a licensed financial professional and the information shared is my opinion only. If you need advice, you should seek the help of a licensed professional.