Hello everyone,
If you're wondering how to raise your vibration and become more spiritual, it's worth taking a look to see if maybe you've already become the emotionally mature person you desire to be.
You FEEL it. That penetrating, nagging pull from within that’s telling you to pay attention. You can no longer ignore the shouting from within.
You KNOW it. Something seems off, maybe different, and that something changed your view of the world and where/how you fit in. You can clearly SEE a distinction, a separation, and at the time a deeper connection with everything and everyone around you.
You SENSE it. From all of your physical senses and that intuitive radar you suddenly feel attuned to, you are indeed different. Elevated. You seek to further explore, understand and develop this wonderful transformation. Congrats! You are indeed a new person. ❤️
Perhaps you've noticed that friends and family may not understand you as much as they used to. Your words fall on deaf ears, the thoughts don’t make sense except to you, your priorities seem quite different to their's.
If you had a routine of going out often and socializing, or other recreational activities, you may have recently lost interest. As you connect more with your inner self you become more curious and introspective and the need to connect with others can diminish, especially those who are not "vibing" at the same frequency. Have you noticed that you have begun to replace previous activities with filling up more of your time with self-development which focus on you - what you now need and to learn more about your new discovery - and your consciousness? You seem to be taking better care of yourself with less toxicity and more natural and safe foods, water, air, products, physical activity, mental and energy work, etc.
Letting go happens as you start to see your purpose. Parts of your life that don’t fall in sync with that purpose gradually fade out of your view. Your rise acts as a HEPA filter to show you what’s important versus what’s not.
As you discover more about your new self and your consciousness matures, you SEE more, you FEEL more, you want and need different things which nourish, comfort and energize your soul. What never bothered you in your "old" friendships begins to reach your awareness. Their values don't seem to be the same and yours. Their materialistic priorities seem vain and shallow compared to your Reiki session at 4pm. Their views and interests about the world seem off compared to yours. Where they seem to care less about politics, inside you are wanting to scream from the rooftops about all of the new things which you've learned about and seen.
They may want to get drunk one night while you no longer feel that’s important, for example. As you start focusing on other matters, the time you invest with friends who aren’t moving with you may decrease.
Eventually, you receive an intuitive understanding that you don’t share the same likes any longer. Sometimes it happens with a clash and at other times it's a fading of time which seems to dissolve the relationship. Either way, the same friends you had before may no longer stick around. Those still with you, and likely those are few (it's about quality, not quantity), are still meant to be with you for a good reason. 😀✨
You might feel down about losing some friends due to your rise but fear not. Another transformation sign is the introduction of new, conscious human beings into your life. You attract them just like your opportunities. Since you begin investing time in conscious places, you increase the chances of meeting like-minded people. You might recognize each other from “keywords” you use, certain lingo, or definitions. Usually, there is something about the person’s energy which attracts both together.
Your general energy level increases, giving you more physical and mental stamina. though on the flip side, as you're likely more empathetic and aware as you can SEE and FEEL more, you may notice periods when you're wiped and need to chill. Overall however, you might notice you're less sleepy during the day and can better focus more on tasks - you're more often in a state of "flow". Thinking is more clear. Your mental vision is less cloudy. Things seem more obvious and distinctive. Black is more black and white is more white.
Your rising consciousness is a speed increase in mental frequency, and that puts you on a different energy plane.
Have you tried to eat your favorite burger and realize how much you now dislike it? With a spiritual rise, common food may no longer taste the same. Not to say you’ll have a total dietary overhaul, but the food you might have typically enjoyed in the past may feel different once in your new state. The higher your consciousness, the higher the frequency your body will be operating on, and the cleaner it becomes. As such, it requires more energy to function which is real food -not processed. So you may end up noticing the toxicity in some of the food you regularly consume. Gradually, you gravitate toward cleaner, higher-vibration options like organic vegetables, fruits, and grains which all have their own energy frequency. Heck, you may even have started your own garden (indoor and outdoor) so you can be the master of your own food energy. ⚡️
Soul rising can at first be both exhilarating and terrifying. You’re entering a space in your inner world no one else can go but you. It will be no surprise that you start feeling the need for some alone time more often. So much of what you experience others might not understand, and you may feel it necessary to take a "me" break.
In your "previous" life, you were likely a bit of a zombie in the rat race running around from here to there, going to a job Mon-Fri, shopping on Saturdays, cleaning on Sundays, activities in between.
Now that your more in tune with your self and soul, you begin to quickly realize that lifestyle isn't normal or natural. The body (spirit, mind, body) was never designed for that amount of constant activity and stress. High-vibes are more aware of what their bodies need and listen and act. They don't feel guilty when they need to take a nap in the middle of the day, or be alone reading a book, or saying "no thanks" to a night out with friends.
See these bouts as not your inability to make friends, but the signal that it’s time for self-reflection about what’s happening within.
Have you noticed that the types of thoughts you have no longer concern many mundane matters? You start to care less about showing off or what others think and more about what's important to and for you - what feeds your soul.
You start questioning long-held beliefs. There’s an impulse to ask more "why" questions. You seem more curious than ever. You seem to have thoughts and opinions on matters which before you never cared about - politics, economics, law, geography, gardening, freedom, justice. As you see more, you’ll begin paying more attention to global news - not watching the news on mainstream but your interest and awareness in what’s happening around you will increase as you are more awake/alive/attuned.
Questions of morality and metaphysics flood your mind about your purpose here on Earth, who you are/want to be, what's now important to you/what's no longer, who feeds your soul/who no longer/, how you want to make a real contribution, and who else out there is feeling the same as me!?!?!!? Where are they????
This energy can take many forms. You might be able to sense your friend’s disturbance before they even recognize something is wrong. You might sense there will be rain, even though the weather reporter doesn’t mention it. Changes in the Moon and Sun seem to affect you more. This greater sensitivity tunes you into life patterns all around you. Do you feel that you have more changes in your energy? You have high-energy days and low ones more? Whereas before you never really noticed as you weren't as tuned into your whole body, now you can better sense external and internal energy shifts, and you react accordingly and take advantage. On low energy days, you don't schedule important meetings or tackle creative projects. Instead, it may be a soothing tea with a blanket and book knowing that it's just not going to happen today but tomorrow the energy will likely shift and you will be rocking it in flow state.
Intuition is your inner sight; your inner teacher. You become more open, aware and receptive to its messages as you rise. You're antenna and tuner are better calibrated! Over time, you begin to trust it as a solid guide and feel it’s coming from your higher self.
Intuition keeps you out of danger, helps you make better decisions, and facilitates an increased connection with yourself, you values, your environment and the universe.
With your rise, you may feel the need to spontaneously cry or feel thankful, sheer gratitude for what’s been awakened within. You might feel the impulse to pray or meditate as your heart chakra cracks wide open. You feel appreciative for all that you currently have.
We are conditioned to want more, never satisfied with what we have. Always wanting a newer car, better job, more money, longer vacation, etc. When you are a high-viber, those "things" seem to no longer matter. That pot of soup simmering on the stovetop fills your heart as you're thankful for food in the fridge, a roof over your head, a warm fire in the fireplace, and loved-ones in the same home. See the difference? Feel the difference? When we stop wanting and start appreciating you open up a whole new world. Life becomes more precious, simple and fulfilling and often make you an even better person and others quickly notice the positive change.
Coincidences is synchronicity. It's about meaning and energetic connection. Your rise gives you awareness of the various webs in your life and how your more conscious thoughts lead to purposeful actions which result in real manifestations. It's no fluke, coincidence, chance or luck. Did you ever notice how people end up in your life at just the right time, or how you might see the right message at the time you need it?
👉 What are your thoughts? How has your vibration been raised? What have you noticed about yourself, what's changed?
