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We all continue to evolve and discover "purpose". What is yours? 💫

Writer: David LeBlancDavid LeBlanc

Good Sunday morn to all! ☕️☀️🌷

Do you feel like the world is around you is a little different lately? Almost a different sort of crazy? Maybe you find that you are a little more disconnected from the "herd" and a little less impacted by daily events however you seem to "see" more now than ever! It's likely you've evolved over the past few years by rejecting the status quo and seeking your true, higher purpose. You may have found yourself asking many questions and hopefully received some answers. Perhaps this is just one of the reasons why you are here or maybe as a valued member of the Self-Sufficient YOU! community.

As events continue to unfold and the "movie" continues to play out (I must say we are running out of 🍿), there is still much we can do to make sure that we can thrive, discover our purpose and make a difference as the world shifts and transforms to the next level. Are you ready to level UP?? Consider these steps and maybe even explore within yourself whether you are a"light worker" 💫 ...

1) SELF 🧑🏻‍🦰: Focus on your self, particularly self-care. Take time to strengthen and maintain the physical, emotional, and spiritual. You can't help others if you aren't in a good place. Having access to clean water and air, quality food (organic whenever possible), and regular physical activity. Less technology and more nature. Less social media and more social. Less stress and more laughs. Prepare to shift from 3D to 5D. ☀️

2) FAMILY 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 : Focus on your immediate family to make sure they're OK and supported. Not everyone may be on the same page especially as the last few years may have caused rips and divisions...some maybe even lasting to this day. Be prepared for what may happen and be there with ❤️, support and an ear should the time come when they need you. Listening and love is what they need. Nothing else.

3) COMMUNITY 🏡: "You are right where you need to be". Once you've taken care of the first two aspects, finding and being together with like-minded people can offer you safety, security and purpose. Gaining and sharing info and resources with others can help inspire you to activate your purpose. This may mean being more vocal within your own community, planting small little "seeds", and having the confidence and fortitude to say "no". Find your purpose. Look inward. If you still haven't discovered your purpose, go back to #1 and spend some more time on it. It will reveal itself to you.

Do you find yourself being an "Oracle"? A "Master Healer"? A "Warrior"? A "Cosmic Angel"? Something else?

👉 What is your higher purpose? What speaks to you lately? Maybe it can't be explained...yet. You will SEE. 👀 11✨11.



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